Saturday, September 4, 2010

Trips to Bookstores and More Warning Sign Nonsense

Hello Everyone. I've made a couple of trips to bookstores lately, and I probably will do so again early this week. I took a couple pictures on each trip, and I figured I'd share them.

The first store I visited was the Kyobo at Gwanghwamun. It is a lot closer to where I live now than where I lived last time, which is great because I tend to visit it pretty often. The picture below may be of interest to Mandy, Cory, Mom, and Deni, because when we were here last time the entrance was under construction/reconstruction. It opened not long before I got back, and I have to say it looks a lot better than the big picture of an entrance that used to face the street.

Newly unveiled reconstructed entrance to Gyeongbokgung Palace.

Then today I went to the Young Poong bookstore at Jonggak. I was able to find the books I needed for one of my classes, and wandered around a music store connected to the bookstore. I knew that I would be able to get a photo of Jongno Tower so I popped out of the underground to do so. 

Jongno Tower from near Jonggak Station entrance.

On my way back to Hanseong Uni Station I took a couple of subway photos. The first is just people waiting for the subway to arrive. The second is another subway warning sign, and again I couldn't help but invent warnings to go along with the images.

Waiting for the train. This line heading away from central Seoul was less busy at this time; I imagine more people were heading in than out. This was probably at about 11:30 am.

This The warnings on this sign seem to indicate a few things. First off, "No Chillin!" (this one is pretty severely enforced). Of course you should comply with "Don't toss your things off the train as the doors close; They will be inaccessible as the train pulls away from the station!" The third warning I explained already in a previous post (again, note the blood splatters). And finally, and probably most importantly, "Do not send your baby on the subway alone! Always accompany anyone who is still in a stroller!"

Well, hope those signs make you smile as they did me. Talk to you all soon!


  1. I promise not to be gullible and believe your sign interpretations again. (But really? They have to warn you NOT to leave your baby alone on the train! haha)

    This may seem like a silly question...but what books did you buy? I'm just curious...


  2. I bought a textbook and workbook for a class I'm teaching. The book is called World Link, and it's just an English language fluency textbook. It's not overly interesting, though I think it will work well with the class. I also looked for the second Scott Pilgrim book, but it wasn't there. It's been really hard to find.
