Friday, November 5, 2010

No-Photos Post!

Hello everyone! I hope you're all having a good November so far. I am going to do my very first post without any pictures. I had a great day today, and I wanted to share. However, I need to be up pretty early tomorrow (proctoring SATs again) so I don't feel I have time to transfer photos, sort them, and plan a post around them. So I'll post the photos separately a little later!

In the meantime though, here's my day! In the morning I was able to go with one of the second grade classes to a palace. It is called Changdeokgung, and it is pretty close to the school. It is one of the palaces that I hadn't seen before today, so I was glad to be able to go. I learned some interesting facts, like how the palaces in China are paved with stone, but in Korea they are covered with sand instead. This helps because then you have sand available if there's a fire, and it's more difficult for assassins to sneak around the palace easily. It was a good time. I got some good photos. I actually brought my real camera, and didn't just use my phone!

Then I came back to the school, and worked on a few things. I spent a bit of time looking into travel to China. I'm hoping to head over there for a bit during winter vacation. I was quite annoyed that I will have to go through a travel agent to have my visa application submitted. I would rather be able to just fill the form on my own and submit it. I'm not sure why, but all the individual visa submissions for some of the visa types now have to be done this way. I will have to get that sorted over the next week or two.

During seventh period, I went to the fitness center for a bit. It took me a while to get in, because when I arrived at the outside door, it was locked. It's not locked when I got after class, but because students aren't supposed to be in there during class time it was locked. I had to go back up 4 floors to my office to ask a coworker for the door code. I ran for a bit, and did a little bit of lifting. While I was running I got a text from my new friend. We arranged to meet for coffee after supper. After a short workout, I ran upstairs to be on time for the monthly English language staff meeting. Sadly, my punctuality was for naught, because the meeting was cancelled.

I was just about to pack up my stuff and go down to meet my American student-teacher friends, when they walked into the office. I quickly packed my stuff, and we headed out soon after for dinner. We went to Hyehwa, as is our wont. We ate at an Indian place that was pretty good. We chose it because others from work were going there a little later, and we were able to see them for a couple minutes. We went before them, and we were just finishing as they came in. We left soon after, since the girls and I both need to be at work tomorrow morning, plus I had to run home to drop off my stuff before I went out to meet my education student friend.

The friend I mentioned planning coffee with above I met last week at the Gansong gallery with the school Librarian and one of the Nutrition teachers. My education friend is the nutrition teacher's sister. [NOTE: this not-using-people's-names-in-the-blog thing is actually quite difficult. Would be a lot easier, but I want to be careful about people's privacy]. I was happy to see her again. We met at Jonggak and after a bit of trouble meeting (I was late! I felt so bad.) we got to have coffee together. It was a lot of fun, and then afterwards we walked to the Cheonggyecheon stream to see many beautiful lanterns. There was a lantern festival on, to celebrate the G20 summit. I was so happy that my friend suggested we go see them, because I would have never found out about it otherwise. We spent a long time walking and looking at the great lanters, and we got to take some photos as well! I look forward to sharing them with you all. After seeing a lot of really cool lanterns, and not even once falling into the Cheonghyecheon, we had to part and I jumped the subway to head home. Just before I left my friend's friend came, so I got to meet him too.

I had a really good time today, and I will definitely share some photos with you guys soon, and I'll put a few on facebook soon too. I hope you are all doing well, and I wish you all the best for the remainder of your fall and the start of winter! Later!

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